2013 Great Year For Awards!
I have only entered photographic print competitions now for three years. 2013 was an amazing year for me.
At the International Print Competition in Atlanta, I was honored to have two of my images not only merit but they went Loan. Loan is a huge honor. Only a small percentage of prints entered achieve this honor and I was bestowed two Loans. What this means is that the Professional Photographers of America www.ppa.com who hosts this competition, uses the Loan images in it's traveling print exhibit. Only the best of the best.
Here are the two images that went loan:
Stage 2 Cool
Then in early November, I was a guest speaker at this year's annual Professional Photographers of the Ozarks www.ppozarks.com convention. This is a four state convention comprised of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. I decided to try my skills at their print competition. Well, to say I did well would be an understatement. I won 9 awards including the Judge's Choice Award and the coveted Kodak Gallery Award of Excellence.
Here are those two awards and both are from recent client work:
Print competition is demanding. The great thing about preparing files for print competition is the lessons you learn, you use every day in your client work. Over the past three years my client work has improved dramatically and much of that I attribute to my involvement in print competition.
Ron Jackson Artistry Ron Jackson Artistry is committed to making the finest images a client could hope for. I never just make do with my work. I challenge myself every day to improve both in what I get paid to do and for my print competitions.
2014 is here and I am already preparing files for this year's International Print Competition PPA IPC
If all goes well, I will receive enough merits to be awarded my Masters Degree in the Photographic Artist category.
I have only entered photographic print competitions now for three years. 2013 was an amazing year for me.
At the International Print Competition in Atlanta, I was honored to have two of my images not only merit but they went Loan. Loan is a huge honor. Only a small percentage of prints entered achieve this honor and I was bestowed two Loans. What this means is that the Professional Photographers of America www.ppa.com who hosts this competition, uses the Loan images in it's traveling print exhibit. Only the best of the best.
Here are the two images that went loan:
The Shepherd
Stage 2 Cool
Then in early November, I was a guest speaker at this year's annual Professional Photographers of the Ozarks www.ppozarks.com convention. This is a four state convention comprised of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. I decided to try my skills at their print competition. Well, to say I did well would be an understatement. I won 9 awards including the Judge's Choice Award and the coveted Kodak Gallery Award of Excellence.
Here are those two awards and both are from recent client work:
Print competition is demanding. The great thing about preparing files for print competition is the lessons you learn, you use every day in your client work. Over the past three years my client work has improved dramatically and much of that I attribute to my involvement in print competition.
Ron Jackson Artistry Ron Jackson Artistry is committed to making the finest images a client could hope for. I never just make do with my work. I challenge myself every day to improve both in what I get paid to do and for my print competitions.
2014 is here and I am already preparing files for this year's International Print Competition PPA IPC
If all goes well, I will receive enough merits to be awarded my Masters Degree in the Photographic Artist category.